I've been asked many times what Cosmic Clowns are or what it means. I think the term started with fun time with my sister and my best friend Pam (Ho). Our family plays. Our parents taught us to find the fun and humor in every situation. I try to pass this wisdom on to my kids and I think I'm successful there. Laughter is to me like breath, nourishment and water. I have to laugh and I know laughter is very healing.
Sometimes it seems, for no apparent reason, something will come to me, or I will say something that makes me say "where did that come from?" Like divinely inspired sillies, and then the giggles come and I feel 'lighter'. Hopefully, those that are around me during such outbursts feel lighter too. :-)
So, during these precious moments the term "The Clowns are about" was born and the term Cosmic Clowns came into being. I like to believe they are always with me, cheering me on and poking me in the ribs when I need it most.
It just made sense to name my blog and future website Cosmic Clowns because I love them so.
I hope you find giggles and sillies in your life!